This is the documentation for Cloudera Enterprise 5.8.x. Documentation for other versions is available at Cloudera Documentation.

Supported Configurations with Virtualization and Cloud Platforms

This section lists supported configurations for deploying Cloudera software on virtualization and cloud platforms, and provides links to reference architectures for these platforms.

Amazon Web Services

For information on deploying Cloudera software on a Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud infrastructure, see the Cloudera Enterprise Reference Architecture for AWS Deployments.

Google Cloud Platform

For information on deploying Cloudera software on a Google Cloud Platform infrastructure, see the Cloudera Enterprise Reference Architecture for Google Cloud Platform Deployments.

Microsoft Azure

For information on deploying Cloudera software on a Microsoft Azure cloud infrastructure, see the Cloudera Enterprise Reference Architecture for Azure Deployments.


For information on deploying Cloudera software on a VMware-based infrastructure, see the Reference architecture for deploying on VMware.

Recommendation when deploying on VMware in the current release:

  • Use the part of Hadoop Virtual Extensions that has been implemented in HADOOP-8468. This will prevent data loss when a physical node that hosts two or more DataNodes goes down .
Page generated July 8, 2016.