This is the documentation for Cloudera Enterprise 5.8.x. Documentation for other versions is available at Cloudera Documentation.

CDH 5 Requirements and Supported Versions

This page describes requirements and supported third-party software for CDH 5. For the latest information on compatibility across all Cloudera products, see the Product Compatibility Matrix.

Supported Operating Systems

  Note: All CDH and Cloudera Manager hosts that make up a logical cluster need to run on the same major OS release to be covered by Cloudera Support.

CDH 5 provides 64-bit packages for RHEL-compatible, SLES, Ubuntu, and Debian systems as listed below.

Operating System Version Packages
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)-compatible
RHEL (+ SELinux mode in available versions) 5.7 64-bit
  5.10 64-bit
  6.4 64-bit
  6.5 64-bit
  6.6 64-bit
  6.7 64-bit
  7.1 64-bit
  7.2 64-bit
CentOS (+ SELinux mode in available versions) 5.7 64-bit
  5.10 64-bit
  6.4 64-bit
  6.5 64-bit
  6.6 64-bit
  6.7 64-bit
  7.1 64-bit
  7.2 64-bit
Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) with Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (UEK) 5.7 (UEK R2) 64-bit
  5.10 64-bit
  5.11 64-bit
  6.4 (UEK R2) 64-bit
  6.5 (UEK R2, UEK R3) 64-bit
  6.6 (UEK R3) 64-bit
  6.7 (UEK R3) 64-bit
  7.1 64-bit
  7.2 64-bit
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 with Service Pack 2 64-bit
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 with Service Pack 3 64-bit
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 with Service Pack 4 64-bit
Ubuntu Precise 12.04 - Long-Term Support (LTS) 64-bit
  Trusty 14.04 - Long-Term Support (LTS) 64-bit
Debian Wheezy 7.0, 7.1, and 7.8 64-bit
  Important: Cloudera supports RHEL 7 with the following limitations:
  • Cloudera Enterprise is supported on platforms with Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) enabled. Cloudera is not responsible for policy support nor policy enforcement. If you experience issues with SELinux, contact your OS provider.
  • CDH 5.7 DataNode hosts with EMC® DSSD™ D5™ are supported by RHEL 6.6, 7.1, and 7.2. CDH 5.6 DataNode hosts with EMC® DSSD™ D5™ are only supported by RHEL 6.6.

Supported Databases

Component MariaDB MySQL SQLite PostgreSQL Oracle Derby - see Note 5
Oozie 5.5 5.1, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 8.1, 8.3, 8.4, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4

See Note 3

11gR2, 12c Default
Flume Default (for the JDBC Channel only)
Hue 5.5 5.1, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7

See Note 6

Default 8.1, 8.3, 8.4, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4

See Note 3

11gR2, 12c
Hive/Impala 5.5 5.1, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7

See Note 1

8.1, 8.3, 8.4, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4

See Note 3

11gR2, 12c Default
Sentry 5.5 5.1, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7

See Note 1

8.1, 8.3, 8.4, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4

See Note 3

11gR2, 12c
Sqoop 1 5.5 See Note 4 See Note 4 See Note 4
Sqoop 2 5.5 Default
  1. MySQL 5.5 is supported on CDH 5.1. MySQL 5.6 is supported on CDH 5.1 and higher. The InnoDB storage engine must be enabled in the MySQL server.
  2. Cloudera Manager installation fails if GTID-based replication is enabled in MySQL.
  3. PostgreSQL 9.2 is supported on CDH 5.1 and higher. PostgreSQL 9.3 is supported on CDH 5.2 and higher. PostgreSQL 9.4 is supported on CDH 5.5 and higher.
  4. For purposes of transferring data only, Sqoop 1 supports MySQL 5.0 and above, PostgreSQL 8.4 and above, Oracle 10.2 and above, Teradata 13.10 and above, and Netezza TwinFin 5.0 and above. The Sqoop metastore works only with HSQLDB (1.8.0 and higher 1.x versions; the metastore does not work with any HSQLDB 2.x versions).
  5. Derby is supported as shown in the table, but not always recommended. See the pages for individual components in the Cloudera Installation and Upgrade guide for recommendations.
  6. CDH 5 Hue requires the default MySQL version of the operating system on which it is being installed, which is usually MySQL 5.1, 5.5, or 5.6.

Supported JDK Versions

CDH 5.8.x is supported with the versions shown in the following table:
Minimum Supported Version Recommended Version Exceptions
1.7.0_55 1.7.0_67, 1.7.0_75, 1.7.0_80 None
1.8.0_31 1.8.0_60 Cloudera recommends that you not use JDK 1.8.0_40.

Supported Browsers


Hue works with the two most recent versions of the following browsers. Cookies and JavaScript must be on.
  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari (not supported on Windows)
  • Internet Explorer
Hue could display in older versions and even other browsers, but you might not have access to all of its features.

Supported Network Protocols

  • CDH requires IPv4. IPv6 is not supported.

    See also Configuring Network Names.

  • Multihoming CDH or Cloudera Manager is not supported outside specifically certified Cloudera partner appliances. Cloudera finds that current Hadoop architectures combined with modern network infrastructures and security practices remove the need for multihoming. Multihoming, however, is beneficial internally in appliance form factors to take advantage of high-bandwidth InfiniBand interconnects.

    Although some subareas of the product may work with unsupported custom multihoming configurations, there are known issues with multihoming. In addition, unknown issues may arise because multihoming is not covered by our test matrix outside the Cloudera-certified partner appliances.

Supported Transport Layer Security Versions

The following components are supported by the indicated versions of Transport Layer Security (TLS):

Table 1. Components Supported by TLS


Role Name Port Version
Flume   Avro Source/Sink   TLS 1.2
Flume   Flume HTTP Source/Sink   TLS 1.2
HBase Master HBase Master Web UI Port 60010 TLS 1.2
HDFS NameNode Secure NameNode Web UI Port 50470 TLS 1.2
HDFS Secondary NameNode Secure Secondary NameNode Web UI Port 50495 TLS 1.2
HDFS HttpFS REST Port 14000 TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2
Hive HiveServer2 HiveServer2 Port 10000 TLS 1.2
Hue Hue Server Hue HTTP Port 8888 TLS 1.2
Apache Impala (incubating) Impala Daemon Impala Daemon Beeswax Port 21000 TLS 1.2
Apache Impala (incubating) Impala Daemon Impala Daemon HiveServer2 Port 21050 TLS 1.2
Apache Impala (incubating) Impala Daemon Impala Daemon Backend Port 22000 TLS 1.2
Apache Impala (incubating) Impala Daemon Impala Daemon HTTP Server Port 25000 TLS 1.2
Apache Impala (incubating) Impala StateStore StateStore Service Port 24000 TLS 1.2
Apache Impala (incubating) Impala StateStore StateStore HTTP Server Port 25010 TLS 1.2
Apache Impala (incubating) Impala Catalog Server Catalog Server HTTP Server Port 25020 TLS 1.2
Apache Impala (incubating) Impala Catalog Server Catalog Server Service Port 26000 TLS 1.2
Oozie Oozie Server Oozie HTTPS Port 11443 TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2
Solr Solr Server Solr HTTP Port 8983 TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2
Solr Solr Server Solr HTTPS Port 8985 TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2
YARN ResourceManager ResourceManager Web Application HTTP Port 8090 TLS 1.2
YARN JobHistory Server MRv1 JobHistory Web Application HTTP Port 19890 TLS 1.2
Page generated July 8, 2016.