This is the documentation for Cloudera Enterprise 5.8.x. Documentation for other versions is available at Cloudera Documentation.

Upgrading CDH and Managed Services Using Cloudera Manager

  Warning: Cloudera Manager 5 does not support CDH 3 and you cannot upgrade Cloudera Manager 4 to Cloudera Manager 5 if you have a cluster running CDH 3. Therefore, to upgrade CDH 3 clusters to CDH 4 using Cloudera Manager, you must use Cloudera Manager 4.

Cloudera Manager 5 supports clusters running CDH 4 and CDH 5. To ensure the highest level of functionality and stability, consider upgrading to the most recent version of CDH.

  Warning: You can use Cloudera Manager to roll back an upgrade from CDH 4 to CDH 5 as long as you backup certain configuration files, databases, and other artifacts before beginning an upgrade. However, after you have finalized the HDFS upgrade you can no longer roll back the CDH upgrade. See Rolling Back a CDH 4-to-CDH 5 Upgrade for the backup and rollback procedures.

The Cloudera Manager minor version must always be equal to or greater than the CDH minor version because older versions of Cloudera Manager may not support features in newer versions of CDH. For example, if you want to upgrade to CDH 5.4.8 you must first upgrade to Cloudera Manager 5.4 or higher.

Cloudera Manager 5.3 introduces an enhanced CDH upgrade wizard that supports major (CDH 4 to CDH 5), minor (CDH 5.x to 5.y), and maintenance upgrades (CDH a.b.x to CDH a.b.y). Both parcels and package installations are supported, but packages must be manually installed, whereas parcels are installed by Cloudera Manager. For an easier upgrade experience, consider switching from packages to parcels so Cloudera Manager can automate more of the process.

Depending on the nature of the changes in CDH between the old and new versions, the enhanced upgrade wizard performs service-specific upgrades that in the past you would have had to perform manually. When you start the wizard, notices regarding steps you must perform before upgrading to safeguard existing data that will be upgraded by the wizard.

If you use parcels, have a Cloudera Enterprise license, and have enabled HDFS high availability, you can perform a rolling upgrade that lets you avoid cluster downtime.

See the following topics for details on upgrading to the specific versions of CDH 4 or CDH 5.

Page generated July 8, 2016.