This is the documentation for Cloudera Enterprise 5.8.x. Documentation for other versions is available at Cloudera Documentation.

Configuring the CDH Version of a Cluster

Minimum Required Role: Cluster Administrator (also provided by Full Administrator)

Cloudera Manager has version-specific features based on the minor and maintenance versions. For example, the Sqoop 2 service and the HiveServer2 and WebHCat roles are only available for CDH 4.2.0 and higher. These behaviors are controlled by what is configured in Cloudera Manager, not what is actually installed on the hosts. The versions should be in sync, and is the case if parcels are used.

In package-based clusters, you can manually upgrade CDH packages. For example, you can upgrade the packages from CDH 4.1.0 to CDH 4.2.1. However, in previous releases Cloudera Manager did detect this change and behaved as if the cluster was 4.1.0. It such cases, it would not display Sqoop 2 as a service. You would have to set the CDH version manually using the cluster Configure CDH Version action.

Cloudera Manager now sets the CDH version correctly. However, if you had an older Cloudera Manager and forgot to set the version, and then upgraded to latest Cloudera Manager, you would need to set the version.

To inform Cloudera Manager of the CDH version, select ClusterName > Configure CDH Version. In the dialog box, Cloudera Manager displays the installed CDH version, and asks for confirmation to configure itself with the new version. The dialog box will also detect if a major upgrade was done, and direct you to use the major upgrade flow documented in Upgrading from CDH 4 Packages to CDH 5 Packages.

Page generated July 8, 2016.