Configuring Custom Alert Scripts
Minimum Required Role: Full Administrator
Important: This feature is
available only with a Cloudera Enterprise license. It is not available in Cloudera Express. For information on Cloudera Enterprise licenses, see Managing Licenses.
You can configure the Alert Publisher to run a user-written script in response to an alert. The Alert Publisher passes a single argument to the script that is a UTF-8 JSON file containing a list of alerts. The script runs on the host where the Alert Publisher service is running and must have read and execute permissions for the cloudera-scm user. Only one instance of a script runs at a time. The standard out and standard error messages from the script are logged to the Alert Publisher log file.
You use the Alert Publisher: Maximum Batch Size and Alert Publisher: Maximum Batch interval to configure when the Alert Publisher delivers alerts. See Configuring Alerts.
To configure the Alert Publisher to deliver alerts using a script:
- Save the script on the host where the Alert Publisher role is running.
- Change the owner of the file to cloudera-scm and set its permissions to read and execute:
$ sudo chown cloudera-scm:cloudera-scm path_to_script $ sudo chmod u+rx path_to_script
- Open the Cloudera Manager Admin console and select .
- Click the Configuration tab.
- Select .
- Enter the path to the script in the Custom Alert Script property.
- Click Save Changes to commit the changes.
Sample JSON Alert File
When a custom script runs, it passes a JSON file that contains the alerts. For example:
[ { "body" : { "alert" : { "content" : "The health test result for MAPREDUCE_HA_JOB_TRACKER_HEALTH has become bad: JobTracker summary: (Availability: Active, Health: Bad). This health test reflects the health of the active JobTracker.", "timestamp" : { "iso8601" : "2015-06-11T03:52:56Z", "epochMs" : 1433994776083 }, "source" : "", "attributes" : { "__persist_timestamp" : [ "1433994776172" ], "ALERT_SUPPRESSED" : [ "false" ], "HEALTH_TEST_NAME" : [ "MAPREDUCE_HA_JOB_TRACKER_HEALTH" ], "SEVERITY" : [ "CRITICAL" ], "HEALTH_TEST_RESULTS" : [ { "content" : "The health test result for MAPREDUCE_HA_JOB_TRACKER_HEALTH has become bad: JobTracker summary: (Availability: Active, Health: Bad). This health test reflects the health of the active JobTracker.", "testName" : "MAPREDUCE_HA_JOB_TRACKER_HEALTH", "eventCode" : "EV_SERVICE_HEALTH_CHECK_BAD", "severity" : "CRITICAL" } ], "CLUSTER_DISPLAY_NAME" : [ "Cluster 1" ], "ALERT" : [ "true" ], "CATEGORY" : [ "HEALTH_CHECK" ], "BAD_TEST_RESULTS" : [ "1" ], "SERVICE_TYPE" : [ "MAPREDUCE" ], "EVENTCODE" : [ "EV_SERVICE_HEALTH_CHECK_BAD", "EV_SERVICE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD" ], "ALERT_SUMMARY" : [ "The health of service MAPREDUCE-1 has become bad." ], "CLUSTER_ID" : [ "1" ], "SERVICE" : [ "MAPREDUCE-1" ], "__uuid" : [ "89521139-0859-4bef-bf65-eb141e63dbba" ], "CLUSTER" : [ "Cluster 1" ], "CURRENT_COMPLETE_HEALTH_TEST_RESULTS" : [ "{\"content\":\"The health test result for MAPREDUCE_HA_JOB_TRACKER_HEALTH has become bad: JobTracker summary: (Availability: Active, Health: Bad). This health test reflects the health of the active JobTracker.\",\"testName\":\"MAPREDUCE_HA_JOB_TRACKER_HEALTH\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_SERVICE_HEALTH_CHECK_BAD\",\"severity\":\"CRITICAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for MAPREDUCE_TASK_TRACKERS_HEALTHY has become good: Healthy TaskTracker: 3. Concerning TaskTracker: 0. Total TaskTracker: 3. Percent healthy: 100.00%. Percent healthy or concerning: 100.00%.\",\"testName\":\"MAPREDUCE_TASK_TRACKERS_HEALTHY\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_SERVICE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}" ], "PREVIOUS_HEALTH_SUMMARY" : [ "GREEN" ], "CURRENT_HEALTH_SUMMARY" : [ "RED" ], "MONITOR_STARTUP" : [ "false" ], "PREVIOUS_COMPLETE_HEALTH_TEST_RESULTS" : [ "{\"content\":\"The health test result for MAPREDUCE_HA_JOB_TRACKER_HEALTH has become good: JobTracker summary: (Availability: Active, Health: Good)\",\"testName\":\"MAPREDUCE_HA_JOB_TRACKER_HEALTH\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_SERVICE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for MAPREDUCE_TASK_TRACKERS_HEALTHY has become good: Healthy TaskTracker: 3. Concerning TaskTracker: 0. Total TaskTracker: 3. Percent healthy: 100.00%. Percent healthy or concerning: 100.00%.\",\"testName\":\"MAPREDUCE_TASK_TRACKERS_HEALTHY\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_SERVICE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}" ], "SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME" : [ "MAPREDUCE-1" ] } } }, "header" : { "type" : "alert", "version" : 2 } }, { "body" : { "alert" : { "content" : "The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_SCM_HEALTH has become bad: This role's process exited. This role is supposed to be started.", "timestamp" : { "iso8601" : "2015-06-11T03:52:56Z", "epochMs" : 1433994776083 }, "source" : "", "attributes" : { "__persist_timestamp" : [ "1433994776173" ], "ALERT_SUPPRESSED" : [ "false" ], "HEALTH_TEST_NAME" : [ "JOB_TRACKER_SCM_HEALTH" ], "SEVERITY" : [ "CRITICAL" ], "ROLE" : [ "MAPREDUCE-1-JOBTRACKER-10624c438dee9f17211d3f33fa899957" ], "HEALTH_TEST_RESULTS" : [ { "content" : "The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_SCM_HEALTH has become bad: This role's process exited. This role is supposed to be started.", "testName" : "JOB_TRACKER_SCM_HEALTH", "eventCode" : "EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_BAD", "severity" : "CRITICAL" } ], "CLUSTER_DISPLAY_NAME" : [ "Cluster 1" ], "HOST_IDS" : [ "75e763c2-8d22-47a1-8c80-501751ae0db7" ], "ALERT" : [ "true" ], "ROLE_TYPE" : [ "JOBTRACKER" ], "CATEGORY" : [ "HEALTH_CHECK" ], "BAD_TEST_RESULTS" : [ "1" ], "SERVICE_TYPE" : [ "MAPREDUCE" ], "EVENTCODE" : [ "EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_BAD", "EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD", "EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_DISABLED" ], "ALERT_SUMMARY" : [ "The health of role jobtracker (nightly-1) has become bad." ], "CLUSTER_ID" : [ "1" ], "SERVICE" : [ "MAPREDUCE-1" ], "__uuid" : [ "67b4d1c4-791b-428e-a9ea-8a09d4885f5d" ], "CLUSTER" : [ "Cluster 1" ], "CURRENT_COMPLETE_HEALTH_TEST_RESULTS" : [ "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_SCM_HEALTH has become bad: This role's process exited. This role is supposed to be started.\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_SCM_HEALTH\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_BAD\",\"severity\":\"CRITICAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_UNEXPECTED_EXITS has become good: This role encountered 0 unexpected exit(s) in the previous 5 minute(s).\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_UNEXPECTED_EXITS\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_FILE_DESCRIPTOR has become good: Open file descriptors: 244. File descriptor limit: 32,768. Percentage in use: 0.74%.\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_FILE_DESCRIPTOR\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_SWAP_MEMORY_USAGE has become good: 0 B of swap memory is being used by this role's process.\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_SWAP_MEMORY_USAGE\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_LOG_DIRECTORY_FREE_SPACE has become good: This role's Log Directory (/var/log/hadoop-0.20-mapreduce) is on a filesystem with more than 20.00% of its space free.\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_LOG_DIRECTORY_FREE_SPACE\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_HOST_HEALTH has become good: The health of this role's host is good.\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_HOST_HEALTH\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_WEB_METRIC_COLLECTION has become good: The web server of this role is responding with metrics. The most recent collection took 49 millisecond(s).\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_WEB_METRIC_COLLECTION\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_GC_DURATION has become good: Average time spent in garbage collection was 0 second(s) (0.00%) per minute over the previous 5 minute(s).\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_GC_DURATION\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_HEAP_DUMP_DIRECTORY_FREE_SPACE has become disabled: Test disabled because role is not configured to dump heap when out of memory. Test of whether this role's heap dump directory has enough free space.\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_HEAP_DUMP_DIRECTORY_FREE_SPACE\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_DISABLED\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}" ], "CURRENT_HEALTH_SUMMARY" : [ "RED" ], "PREVIOUS_HEALTH_SUMMARY" : [ "GREEN" ], "MONITOR_STARTUP" : [ "false" ], "ROLE_DISPLAY_NAME" : [ "jobtracker (nightly-1)" ], "PREVIOUS_COMPLETE_HEALTH_TEST_RESULTS" : [ "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_SCM_HEALTH has become good: This role's status is as expected. The role is started.\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_SCM_HEALTH\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_UNEXPECTED_EXITS has become good: This role encountered 0 unexpected exit(s) in the previous 5 minute(s).\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_UNEXPECTED_EXITS\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_FILE_DESCRIPTOR has become good: Open file descriptors: 244. File descriptor limit: 32,768. Percentage in use: 0.74%.\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_FILE_DESCRIPTOR\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_SWAP_MEMORY_USAGE has become good: 0 B of swap memory is being used by this role's process.\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_SWAP_MEMORY_USAGE\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_LOG_DIRECTORY_FREE_SPACE has become good: This role's Log Directory (/var/log/hadoop-0.20-mapreduce) is on a filesystem with more than 20.00% of its space free.\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_LOG_DIRECTORY_FREE_SPACE\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_HOST_HEALTH has become good: The health of this role's host is good.\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_HOST_HEALTH\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_WEB_METRIC_COLLECTION has become good: The web server of this role is responding with metrics. The most recent collection took 49 millisecond(s).\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_WEB_METRIC_COLLECTION\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_GC_DURATION has become good: Average time spent in garbage collection was 0 second(s) (0.00%) per minute over the previous 5 minute(s).\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_GC_DURATION\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_HEAP_DUMP_DIRECTORY_FREE_SPACE has become disabled: Test disabled because role is not configured to dump heap when out of memory. Test of whether this role's heap dump directory has enough free space.\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_HEAP_DUMP_DIRECTORY_FREE_SPACE\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_DISABLED\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}" ], "SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME" : [ "MAPREDUCE-1" ], "HOSTS" : [ "" ] } } }, "header" : { "type" : "alert", "version" : 2 } }, { "body" : { "alert" : { "content" : "The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_UNEXPECTED_EXITS has become bad: This role encountered 1 unexpected exit(s) in the previous 5 minute(s).This included 1 exit(s) due to OutOfMemory errors. Critical threshold: any.", "timestamp" : { "iso8601" : "2015-06-11T03:53:41Z", "epochMs" : 1433994821940 }, "source" : "", "attributes" : { "__persist_timestamp" : [ "1433994822027" ], "ALERT_SUPPRESSED" : [ "false" ], "HEALTH_TEST_NAME" : [ "JOB_TRACKER_UNEXPECTED_EXITS" ], "SEVERITY" : [ "CRITICAL" ], "ROLE" : [ "MAPREDUCE-1-JOBTRACKER-10624c438dee9f17211d3f33fa899957" ], "HEALTH_TEST_RESULTS" : [ { "content" : "The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_UNEXPECTED_EXITS has become bad: This role encountered 1 unexpected exit(s) in the previous 5 minute(s).This included 1 exit(s) due to OutOfMemory errors. Critical threshold: any.", "testName" : "JOB_TRACKER_UNEXPECTED_EXITS", "eventCode" : "EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_BAD", "severity" : "CRITICAL" } ], "CLUSTER_DISPLAY_NAME" : [ "Cluster 1" ], "HOST_IDS" : [ "75e763c2-8d22-47a1-8c80-501751ae0db7" ], "ALERT" : [ "true" ], "ROLE_TYPE" : [ "JOBTRACKER" ], "CATEGORY" : [ "HEALTH_CHECK" ], "BAD_TEST_RESULTS" : [ "1" ], "SERVICE_TYPE" : [ "MAPREDUCE" ], "EVENTCODE" : [ "EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_BAD", "EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD", "EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_DISABLED" ], "ALERT_SUMMARY" : [ "The health of role jobtracker (nightly-1) has become bad." ], "CLUSTER_ID" : [ "1" ], "SERVICE" : [ "MAPREDUCE-1" ], "__uuid" : [ "b8c4468d-08c2-4b5b-9bda-2bef892ba3f5" ], "CLUSTER" : [ "Cluster 1" ], "CURRENT_COMPLETE_HEALTH_TEST_RESULTS" : [ "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_SCM_HEALTH has become bad: This role's process exited. This role is supposed to be started.\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_SCM_HEALTH\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_BAD\",\"severity\":\"CRITICAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_UNEXPECTED_EXITS has become bad: This role encountered 1 unexpected exit(s) in the previous 5 minute(s).This included 1 exit(s) due to OutOfMemory errors. Critical threshold: any.\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_UNEXPECTED_EXITS\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_BAD\",\"severity\":\"CRITICAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_FILE_DESCRIPTOR has become good: Open file descriptors: 244. File descriptor limit: 32,768. Percentage in use: 0.74%.\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_FILE_DESCRIPTOR\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_SWAP_MEMORY_USAGE has become good: 0 B of swap memory is being used by this role's process.\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_SWAP_MEMORY_USAGE\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_LOG_DIRECTORY_FREE_SPACE has become good: This role's Log Directory (/var/log/hadoop-0.20-mapreduce) is on a filesystem with more than 20.00% of its space free.\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_LOG_DIRECTORY_FREE_SPACE\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_HOST_HEALTH has become good: The health of this role's host is good.\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_HOST_HEALTH\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_WEB_METRIC_COLLECTION has become good: The web server of this role is responding with metrics. The most recent collection took 49 millisecond(s).\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_WEB_METRIC_COLLECTION\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_GC_DURATION has become good: Average time spent in garbage collection was 0 second(s) (0.00%) per minute over the previous 5 minute(s).\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_GC_DURATION\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_HEAP_DUMP_DIRECTORY_FREE_SPACE has become disabled: Test disabled because role is not configured to dump heap when out of memory. Test of whether this role's heap dump directory has enough free space.\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_HEAP_DUMP_DIRECTORY_FREE_SPACE\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_DISABLED\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}" ], "CURRENT_HEALTH_SUMMARY" : [ "RED" ], "PREVIOUS_HEALTH_SUMMARY" : [ "RED" ], "MONITOR_STARTUP" : [ "false" ], "ROLE_DISPLAY_NAME" : [ "jobtracker (nightly-1)" ], "PREVIOUS_COMPLETE_HEALTH_TEST_RESULTS" : [ "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_SCM_HEALTH has become bad: This role's process exited. This role is supposed to be started.\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_SCM_HEALTH\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_BAD\",\"severity\":\"CRITICAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_UNEXPECTED_EXITS has become good: This role encountered 0 unexpected exit(s) in the previous 5 minute(s).\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_UNEXPECTED_EXITS\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_FILE_DESCRIPTOR has become good: Open file descriptors: 244. File descriptor limit: 32,768. Percentage in use: 0.74%.\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_FILE_DESCRIPTOR\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_SWAP_MEMORY_USAGE has become good: 0 B of swap memory is being used by this role's process.\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_SWAP_MEMORY_USAGE\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_LOG_DIRECTORY_FREE_SPACE has become good: This role's Log Directory (/var/log/hadoop-0.20-mapreduce) is on a filesystem with more than 20.00% of its space free.\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_LOG_DIRECTORY_FREE_SPACE\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_HOST_HEALTH has become good: The health of this role's host is good.\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_HOST_HEALTH\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_WEB_METRIC_COLLECTION has become good: The web server of this role is responding with metrics. The most recent collection took 49 millisecond(s).\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_WEB_METRIC_COLLECTION\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_GC_DURATION has become good: Average time spent in garbage collection was 0 second(s) (0.00%) per minute over the previous 5 minute(s).\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_GC_DURATION\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_GOOD\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}", "{\"content\":\"The health test result for JOB_TRACKER_HEAP_DUMP_DIRECTORY_FREE_SPACE has become disabled: Test disabled because role is not configured to dump heap when out of memory. Test of whether this role's heap dump directory has enough free space.\",\"testName\":\"JOB_TRACKER_HEAP_DUMP_DIRECTORY_FREE_SPACE\",\"eventCode\":\"EV_ROLE_HEALTH_CHECK_DISABLED\",\"severity\":\"INFORMATIONAL\"}" ], "SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME" : [ "MAPREDUCE-1" ], "HOSTS" : [ "" ] } } }, "header" : { "type" : "alert", "version" : 2 } } ]
Page generated July 8, 2016.
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