This is the documentation for Cloudera Enterprise 5.8.x. Documentation for other versions is available at Cloudera Documentation.

Installing an Earlier CDH 5 Release

Follow these instructions to install a CDH 5 release that is earlier than the current CDH 5 release.

A common reason for doing this would be that you need to add new nodes to an existing cluster that is not running the most recent version of CDH 5. For example your cluster might be running CDH 5.0.1 when the most recent release is CDH 5.1.0; in this case, you will want to install CDH 5.0.1 on the new nodes, not CDH 5.1.0. These instructions are tailored for a fresh install (rather than an upgrade), in a cluster not being managed by Cloudera Manager,

Do not attempt to use these instructions to roll your cluster back to a previous release. Use them only to expand an existing cluster that you do not want to upgrade to the latest release, or to create a new cluster running a version of CDH 5 that is earlier than the current CDH 5 release.

Downloading and Installing an Earlier Release

Choose your Linux version and proceed as follows to install an earlier release:

On RHEL-compatible systems

Step 1. Download and save the Yum repo file

Click the entry in the table below that matches your RHEL or CentOS system, go to the repo file for your system and save it in the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory.

For OS Version

Click this Link

RHEL/CentOS/Oracle 5

Red Hat/CentOS/Oracle 5 link

RHEL/CentOS 6 (64-bit)

Red Hat/CentOS 6 link

Step 2. Edit the repo file

Open the repo file you have just saved and change the 5 at the end of the line that begins baseurl= to the version number you want.

For example, if you have saved the file for Red Hat 6, it will look like this when you open it for editing:

name=Cloudera's Distribution for Hadoop, Version 5
gpgkey =    
gpgcheck = 1

If you want to install CDH 5.0.1, for example, change baseurl= to


In this example, the resulting file should look like this:

name=Cloudera's Distribution for Hadoop, Version 5
gpgkey =    
gpgcheck = 1

Step 3: Proceed with the installation

  1. Go to
  2. Use the Select Version scroller to find the release you want, for example, select CDH and 5.0.x
  3. Find the CDH Installation Guide for your release.
  4. Follow the instructions for RHEL on the "Installing CDH 5" page, starting with the instructions for optionally adding a repository key. (This comes immediately before the steps for installing CDH 5 with MRv1 or YARN, and is usually Step 2.)

On SLES systems

Step 1. Add the Cloudera repo

  1. Run the following command:
    $ sudo zypper addrepo -f
  2. Update your system package index by running:
    $ sudo zypper refresh 

Step 2. Edit the repo file

Open the repo file that you have just added to your system and change the 5 at the end of the line that begins baseurl= to the version number you want.

The file should look like this when you open it for editing:

name=Cloudera's Distribution for Hadoop, Version 5
gpgkey =    
gpgcheck = 1

If you want to install CDH5.0.1, for example, change baseurl= to


In this example, the resulting file should look like this:

name=Cloudera's Distribution for Hadoop, Version 5
gpgkey =    
gpgcheck = 1

Step 3: Proceed with the installation

  1. Go to
  2. Use the Select a Product Version scroller to find the release you want, for example CDH 5.0.x
  3. Find the CDH Installation Guide for your release.
  4. Follow the instructions for SLES on the "Installing CDH 5" page, starting with the instructions for optionally adding a repository key. (This comes immediately before the steps for installing CDH 5 with MRv1 or YARN, and is usually Step 2.)

On Ubuntu and Debian systems

Proceed as follows to add the Cloudera repo for your operating-system version and the Cloudera release you need.

Step 1: Create the repo File

Create a new file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloudera.list with the following contents:

  • For Ubuntu systems:
    deb [arch=amd64] <OS-release-arch> <RELEASE>-cdh5 contrib deb-src <OS-release-arch> <RELEASE>-cdh5 contrib
  • For Debian systems:
    deb <OS-release-arch> <RELEASE>-cdh5 contrib deb-src <OS-release-arch> <RELEASE>-cdh5 contrib

where: <OS-release-arch> is debian/wheezy/amd64/cdh or ubuntu/precise/amd64/cdh, and <RELEASE> is the name of your distribution, which you can find by running lsb_release -c.

Now replace -cdh5 near the end of each line (before contrib) with the CDH release you need to install. Here are some examples using CDH5.0.1:

For 64-bit Ubuntu Precise:

deb [arch=amd64] precise-cdh5.0.1 contrib
deb-src precise-cdh5.0.1 contrib

For Debian Wheezy:

deb wheezy-cdh5.0.1 contrib
deb-src wheezy-cdh5.0.1 contrib

Step 2: Proceed with the installation

  1. Go to
  2. Use the Select a Product Version scroller to find the release you want, for example CDH 5.0.x
  3. Find the CDH Installation Guide for your release.
  4. Follow the instructions for Ubuntu or Debian on the "Installing CDH 5" page, starting with the instructions for optionally adding a repository key. (This comes immediately before the steps for installing CDH5 with MRv1 or YARN, and is usually Step 2.)
Page generated July 8, 2016.