This is the documentation for Cloudera Enterprise 5.8.x. Documentation for other versions is available at Cloudera Documentation.

Upgrading Cloudera Search

You can upgrade an existing Cloudera Search installation in several ways. Generally, you stop Cloudera Search services, update Search to the latest version, and then restart Cloudera Search services. You can update Search to the latest version by using the package management tool for your operating system and then restarting Cloudera Search services.

Upgrading with Cloudera Manager

If you are running Cloudera Manager, you can upgrade from within the Cloudera Manager Admin Console using parcels. For Search 1.x, which works with CDH 4, there is a separate parcel for Search. For Search for CDH 5, search in included in the CDH 5 parcel. To upgrade from previous versions of CDH 5, follow the instructions at Upgrading to CDH 5.

Upgrading Manually without Cloudera Manager

The update process is different for Search 1.x and Search for CDH 5. With Search 1.x, Search is a separate package from CDH. Therefore, to upgrade from Search 1.x, you must upgrade to CDH 5, which includes Search as part of the CDH 5 repository.

  Important: Before upgrading, make backup copies of the following configuration files:
  • /etc/default/solr or /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-*/etc/default/solr
  • All collection configurations

Make sure you copy every host that is part of the SolrCloud.

Page generated July 8, 2016.