This is the documentation for Cloudera Enterprise 5.8.x. Documentation for other versions is available at Cloudera Documentation.

Ports Used by Cloudera Manager and Cloudera Navigator

The following diagram provides an overview of the ports used by Cloudera Manager, Cloudera Navigator, and Cloudera Management Service roles:

For further details, see the following table. All ports listed are TCP.
Component Service Port Access Requirement Configuration Comment
Cloudera Manager Server HTTP (Web UI) 7180 External Administration > Settings > Ports and Addresses  
  HTTPS (Web UI) 7183 External   Used for HTTPS on master, if enabled. HTTP is the default; only one port is open for either HTTP or HTTPS, not both
  Avro (RPC) 7182 Internal   Used for Agent to Server heartbeats
  PostgreSQL  database managed by cloudera-scm-server-db service 7432 Internal   The optional embedded PostgreSQL database used for storing configuration information for Cloudera Manager Server.
  Peer-to-peer parcel distribution 7191 Internal Hosts > All Hosts > Configuration > P2P Parcel Distribution Port Used to distribute parcels to cluster hosts during installation and upgrade operations.
Cloudera  Manager Agent HTTP (Debug) 9000 Internal
  Internal supervisord localhost: 19001 localhost   supervisord status and control port; used for communication between the Agent and supervisord; only open internally (on localhost)
Event Server Listens for the publication of events. 7184 Internal Cloudera Management Service > Configuration > Ports and Addresses  
  Listens for queries for events. 7185 Internal    
  HTTP (Debug) 8084 Internal   Allows access to debugging and diagnostic information
Alert Publisher Internal API 10101 Internal Cloudera Management Service > Configuration > Ports and Addresses  
Service Monitor HTTP (Debug) 8086 Internal Cloudera Management Service > Configuration > Ports and Addresses  
  Listening for Agent messages (private protocol) 9997 Internal    
  Internal query API (Avro) 9996 Internal    
Activity Monitor HTTP (Debug) 8087 Internal Cloudera Management Service > Configuration > Ports and Addresses  
  Listening for Agent messages (private protocol) 9999 Internal    
  Internal query API (Avro) 9998 Internal    
Host Monitor HTTP (Debug) 8091 Internal Cloudera Management Service > Configuration > Ports and Addresses  
  Listening for Agent messages (private protocol) 9995 Internal    
  Internal query API (Avro) 9994 Internal    
Reports Manager Queries (Thrift) 5678 Internal Cloudera Management Service > Configuration > Ports and Addresses  
  HTTP (Debug) 8083 Internal    
Cloudera Navigator       Cloudera Management Service > Configuration > Ports and Addresses  
Audit Server  HTTP 7186 Internal    
  HTTP (Debug) 8089 Internal   The port where Navigator Audit Server runs a debug web server. Set to -1 to disable debug server.
Metadata Server HTTP (Web UI) 7187 External    
Task Tracker Plug-in (used for activity monitoring) HTTP (Debug) localhost: 4867 localhost   Used only on localhost interface by monitoring agent
Backup and Disaster Recovery HTTP (Web UI) 7180 External Administration > Settings > Ports and Addresses Used for communication to peer (source) Cloudera Manager.
  HDFS NameNode 8020 External HDFS > Configuration > Ports and Addresses > NameNode Port HDFS and Hive replication: communication from destination HDFS and MapReduce hosts to source HDFS NameNode(s). Hive Replication: communication from source Hive hosts to destination HDFS NameNode(s).
  HDFS DataNode 50010 External HDFS > Configuration > Ports and Addresses > DataNode Transceiver Port HDFS and Hive replication: communication from destination HDFS and MapReduce hosts to source HDFS DataNode(s). Hive Replication: communication from source Hive hosts to destination HDFS DataNode(s).
Page generated July 8, 2016.