This is the documentation for Cloudera Enterprise 5.8.x. Documentation for other versions is available at Cloudera Documentation.

Cloudera Express and Cloudera Enterprise Features

Features available with Cloudera Express and Cloudera Enterprise are summarized in the following table.

Feature Cloudera Express Cloudera Enterprise
Cluster Management
Number of hosts supported Unlimited Unlimited
Host inspector for determining CDH readiness
Multi-cluster management
Centralized view of all running commands
Resource management
Global time control for historical diagnosis
Cluster-wide configuration
Cluster-wide event management
Cluster-wide log search
Aggregate UI
Support for CDH 4 and CDH 5
Automated deployment and readiness checks
Installation from local repositories
Rolling upgrade of CDH
Service and Configuration Management
Manage Accumulo, Flume, HBase, HDFS, Hive, Hue, Impala, Isilon, Kafka, Kudu, MapReduce, Oozie, Sentry, Solr, Spark, Sqoop, YARN, and ZooKeeper services
Manage Key Trustee and Cloudera Navigator
Manage add-on services
Rolling restart of services
High availability (HA) support
  • CDH 4 - HDFS and MapReduce JobTracker (CDH 4.2)
  • CDH 5 - HDFS, Hive Metastore, Hue, Impala Llama ApplicationMaster, MapReduce JobTracker, Oozie, YARN ResourceManager
HBase co-processor support
Configuration audit trails
Client configuration management
Workflows (add, start, stop, restart, delete, and decommission services, hosts, and role instances)
Role groups
Host templates
Configuration versioning and history
Restoring a configuration using the API
Kerberos authentication
LDAP authentication for CDH
LDAP authentication for Cloudera Manager
SAML authentication
Encrypted communication between Server and host Agents (TLS)
Sentry role-based access control
Password redaction
Data encryption with KMS
Cloudera Manager user roles
Monitoring and Diagnostics
Service, host, and activity monitoring
Proactive health tests
Health history
Advanced filtering and charting of metrics
Job monitoring for MapReduce jobs, YARN applications, and Impala queries
Similar activity performance for MapReduce jobs
Support for terminating activities
Alert Management
Alert by email
Alert by SNMP
User-defined triggers
Custom alert publish scripts
Advanced Management Features
Automated backup and disaster recovery
File browsing, searching, and disk quota management
HBase, MapReduce, Impala, and YARN usage reports
Support integration
Operational reports
Cloudera Navigator Data Management
Metadata management and augmentation
Ingest policies
Page generated July 8, 2016.