This is the documentation for Cloudera Enterprise 5.8.x. Documentation for other versions is available at Cloudera Documentation.

Accessing Table Information with REST

Table information can be retrieved from any host that has HTTP access to the host where the WebHCat server is running. A Web browser or an HTTP client such as curl or wget can be used to verify the functionality.

The base URL for REST access to table information is http://<SERVERHOST>:50111/templeton/v1/ddl.

Examples of specific URLs:


Example output:


Supported REST Endpoints

The General and DDL endpoints are supported, for accessing Hive metadata. If you need submission capabilities for MapReduce, Hive, or Pig jobs, consider using Oozie, which is a more mature interface. See Installing Oozie.

Category Resource Type Description
General :version (GET) Return a list of supported response types.
status (GET) Return the WebHCat server status.
version (GET) Return a list of supported versions and the current version.
version/hive (GET) Return the Hive version being run.
version/hadoop (GET) Return the Hadoop version being run.
DDL ddl (POST) Perform an HCatalog DDL command.
ddl/database (GET) List HCatalog databases.
ddl/database/:db (GET) Describe an HCatalog database.
ddl/database/:db (PUT) Create an HCatalog database.
ddl/database/:db (DELETE) Delete (drop) an HCatalog database.
ddl/database/:db/table (GET) List the tables in an HCatalog database.
ddl/database/:db/table/:table (GET) Describe an HCatalog table.
ddl/database/:db/table/:table (PUT) Create a new HCatalog table.
ddl/database/:db/table/:table (POST) Rename an HCatalog table.
ddl/database/:db/table/:table (DELETE) Delete (drop) an HCatalog table.
ddl/database/:db/table/:existingtable/like/:newtable (PUT) Create a new HCatalog table like an existing one.
ddl/database/:db/table/:table/partition (GET) List all partitions in an HCatalog table.
ddl/database/:db/table/:table/partition/:partition (GET) Describe a single partition in an HCatalog table.
ddl/database/:db/table/:table/partition/:partition (PUT) Create a partition in an HCatalog table.
ddl/database/:db/table/:table/partition/:partition (DELETE) Delete (drop) a partition in an HCatalog table.
ddl/database/:db/table/:table/column (GET) List the columns in an HCatalog table.
ddl/database/:db/table/:table/column/:column (GET) Describe a single column in an HCatalog table.
ddl/database/:db/table/:table/column/:column (PUT) Create a column in an HCatalog table.
ddl/database/:db/table/:table/property (GET) List table properties.
ddl/database/:db/table/:table/property/:property (GET) Return the value of a single table property.
ddl/database/:db/table/:table/property/:property (PUT) Set a table property.
Page generated July 8, 2016.