This is the documentation for Cloudera Enterprise 5.8.x. Documentation for other versions is available at Cloudera Documentation.

Installing the Sqoop 1 RPM or Debian Packages

Installing the Sqoop 1 RPM or Debian packages is more convenient than installing the Sqoop 1 tarball because the packages:

  • Handle dependencies
  • Provide for easy upgrades
  • Automatically install resources to conventional locations

The Sqoop 1 packages consist of:

  • sqoop — Complete Sqoop 1 distribution
  • sqoop-metastore — For installation of the Sqoop 1 metastore only
  Note: Install Cloudera Repository
Before using the instructions on this page to install or upgrade:
  • Install the Cloudera yum, zypper/YaST or apt repository.
  • Install or upgrade CDH 5 and make sure it is functioning correctly.
For instructions, see Installing the Latest CDH 5 Release and Upgrading Unmanaged CDH Using the Command Line.

To install Sqoop 1 on a RHEL-compatible system:

$ sudo yum install sqoop

To install Sqoop 1 on an Ubuntu or other Debian system:

$ sudo apt-get install sqoop

To install Sqoop 1 on a SLES system:

$ sudo zypper install sqoop

If you have already configured CDH on your system, there is no further configuration necessary for Sqoop 1. You can start using Sqoop 1 by using commands such as:

$ sqoop help
$ sqoop version
$ sqoop import
Page generated July 8, 2016.