This is the documentation for Cloudera Enterprise 5.8.x. Documentation for other versions is available at Cloudera Documentation.

Ports Used by Apache Flume and Apache Solr

Ports used by Apache Flume to communicate with Apache Solr might vary, depending on your configuration and whether you are using security (for example, SSL). A typical cluster set up with Flume writing to HDFS and Solr sinks uses the ports listed below:

Port Description
24001 HTTP Port - port on which the Flume web server listens for requests. Flume uses this port continually.
7184 Cloudera Manager Event Publish Port - port on which the Event Server listens for the publication of events. Flume uses this port continually.
8020 NameNode Port, used by the HDFS sink.
8983 Solr HTTP Port, used by MorphlineSolrSink.
2181 ZooKeeper client port, used by MorphlineSolrSink.
Page generated July 8, 2016.