This is the documentation for Cloudera Enterprise 5.8.x. Documentation for other versions is available at Cloudera Documentation.

Verifying the Flume Installation

At this point, you should have everything necessary to run Flume, and the flume-ng command should be in your $PATH. You can test this by running:

$ flume-ng help

You should see something similar to this:

Usage: /usr/bin/flume-ng <command> [options]...

  help                  display this help text
  agent                 run a Flume agent
  avro-client           run an avro Flume client
  version               show Flume version info

global options:
  --conf,-c <conf>      use configs in <conf> directory
  --classpath,-C <cp>   append to the classpath
  --dryrun,-d           do not actually start Flume, just print the command
  --Dproperty=value     sets a JDK system property value

agent options:
  --conf-file,-f <file> specify a config file (required)
  --name,-n <name>      the name of this agent (required)
  --help,-h             display help text

avro-client options:
  --rpcProps,-P <file>  RPC client properties file with server connection params
  --host,-H <host>      hostname to which events will be sent (required)
  --port,-p <port>      port of the avro source (required)
  --dirname <dir>       directory to stream to avro source
  --filename,-F <file>  text file to stream to avro source [default: std input]
  --headerFile,-R <file> headerFile containing headers as key/value pairs on each new line
  --help,-h             display help text

  Either --rpcProps or both --host and --port must be specified.

Note that if <conf> directory is specified, then it is always included first
in the classpath.

If Flume is not found and you installed Flume from a tarball, make sure that $FLUME_HOME/bin is in your $PATH.

Page generated July 8, 2016.