This is the documentation for Cloudera Enterprise 5.8.x. Documentation for other versions is available at Cloudera Documentation.

Changing a Nameservice Name for Highly Available HDFS Using Cloudera Manager

For background on HDFS namespaces and HDFS high availability, see Managing Federated Nameservices and Enabling HDFS HA Using Cloudera Manager.

  1. Stop all services except ZooKeeper.
  2. On a ZooKeeper server host, run zookeeper-client.
    1. Execute the following to remove the configured nameservice. This example assumes the name of the nameservice is nameservice1. You can identify the nameservice from the Federation and High Availability section on the HDFS Instances tab:
      rmr /hadoop-ha/nameservice1
  3. In the Cloudera Manager Admin Console, update the NameNode nameservice name.
    1. Go to the HDFS service.
    2. Click the Configuration tab.
    3. Type nameservice in the Search field.
    4. For the NameNode Nameservice property, type the nameservice name in the NameNode (instance_name) field. The name must be unique and can contain only alphanumeric characters.
    5. Type quorum in the Search field.
    6. For the Quorum-based Storage Journal name property, type the nameservice name in the NameNode (instance_name) field.
    7. Click Save Changes to commit the changes.
  4. Click the Instances tab.
  5. In the Federation and High Availability pane, select Actions > Initialize High Availability State in ZooKeeper.
  6. Go to the Hive service.
  7. Select Actions > Update Hive Metastore NameNodes.
  8. Go to the HDFS service.
  9. Click the Instances tab.
  10. Select the checkboxes next to the JournalNode role instances.
  11. Select Actions for Selected > Start.
  12. Click a NameNode role instance.
  13. Select Actions > Initialize Shared Edits Directory.
  14. Click the Cloudera Manager logo to return to the Home page.
  15. Redeploy client configuration files.
  16. Start all services except ZooKeeper.
Page generated July 8, 2016.